September 22 > 24 – by/with Louise Chardon & Hilde Broeckhove

Fascia (connective tissue) surrounds, supports and connects all body systems. From our bones to our blood vessels, it networks all organs and muscles and enables transmission from skull to toes.
A healthy fascia network is supple and resilient. With excessive physical training, stress, inflammation and trauma, the fascia loses its hydration and resilience and becomes hard. The way to restore an healthy connective state, is to allow hydration and circulation to return to the fibers so that flexibility and range of motion are enhanced.
Even though the myofascia trains are not meridian lines, they follow similar routes and the meridians (energy pathways) flow through the fascia. If the fascia tissue is hardened or compacted, energy circulation will be inhibited.
During these days, we will inquire the subtle relations between myofascia trains and meridians through free movement explorations, meditations, embodied anatomy, embodied meridian study, cultivating inter (and intra) relations by approaching ourselves in connectivity via gentle (chi kung/yoga) movement and tactile explorations.
Open to anyone interested in these topics, with no prior knowledge, or people with prior knowledge who want to learn more,
movement artists, body-workers, actors, dancers, coaches….
Hilde Broeckhove and Louise share a common passion for the relation between the body/mind/spirit. In this workshop they will bring together the essence from their studies and expertise in the fields of movement, yoga, chi kung and bodywork.
They met each other through dance and later through bodywork and both have experience as dance teachers and performers in contemporary dance and interactive/sensitive theater.
They will guide you into a journey through your body, from their experience, research and passion into the different layers from which a body, mover, human exists.
It will be your journey, enriched and opened up through their guidance.
More info about Hilde:
More info about Louise:
Frame and Conditions:
The actual workshop starts on Friday 22 September morning and ends on Sunday 24 September afternoon. Participants can arrive on Thursday 21 September Afternoon and leave on Monday 25 September morning.
Contribution: 180€ / 140€ early birds (payed before August 21)
Max. 12 participants
– single room (eventually for a couple): 60€/night
– double room: 28€/night/person
– bed in the dance studio: 16€/night/person ( max 3 persons)
– camping: 8€/night/person – camping material rental 4€/day
Meals (vegetarian, mostly vegan): 3 meals/day + tea and snacks: 26€
Info and registrations: / +351 910 518 101 (Whatsapp or Telegram)