BALANCING & TUNING with the SOLAR PLEXUS Radiance – Fasciapulsology into dance with Florence Augendre Oct 2 > 6

Harvest of Autumnal treasures // Fasciapulsology into dance with Florence Augendre

In the context of the Artistic Hermitage @ A Mandorla, with Hanna Balke on the creation of her dance solo perfomance “Mono No Aware”, Florence is opening for 5 mornings, the practice of Fasciapulsology into Dance, with a special insight on the radiance of the Solar plexus and how the sub-diaphragmatic organs are powerfully supportive of the transformative process we are especially experiencing, during the autumn season.

By using meditative exploration, practicing Fasciapulsologic touch and body-dance integration, we will get in contact with the digestive and lymphatic organs -embedded under the beautiful dome of thoracic diaphragm.

This will enable us to feel and recognize the liberation of myo-fascia / viscero-fascia membranous bridges that participate and prolongate the support of celiac trunk


Oct 02 2024


10:00 am - 1:00 pm
A Mandorla


A Mandorla
Monte do Carvalhosinho, 7630-568 São Teotónio (37.515889, -8.621389)
Louise Chardon


Louise Chardon
+351 91 051 81 01

After a long and intense professional career as a dancer and performer, Louise Chardon develops further herself into the field of somatics, based on spiritual growth and self-inquiry. For more than 30 years she dedicates her life to the study of the self in motion. Specialized in the profound sensitive abilities of the being and how its subconscious manifests through embodied patterns, she mainly applies her researches to her visual and performative art and shares it through her pedagogic and therapeutic approaches which she defines as Embodied Philosophy and Energetic Physiology. Louise is a certified Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner. She embodies Chi Kung, Tuina, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Authentic Movement and Yoga for more than 20 years.