«I propose through touch, body awareness, somatic movement and dialogue,

an accompaniment to body-mind integration,

with the intention to generate a feeling of communion

with our incarnated life.

A way to gently ground back into the self, to re-experience the integration

of sensations, feelings, mind, spirit and soul, which are ours by nature. 

During our encounter, I will accompany you in awaking awareness in yourself through focused touch,

conscious breathing, guided imaginary and sentient movement, allowing the innate cellular intelligence to manifest itself…

a pathway towards trust, wisdom and fulfilled incarnation.» Louise Chardon

After a long and intense professional career as a dancer and performer, Louise Chardon

develops further her life path through somatic practices

enhancing spiritual growth and self-inquiry.

For more than 30 years, she dedicates herself to the study of being (in) motion.

She specialized in listening to the profound sensitivity of the self

and how our subconscious manifests into our embodied nature.

She mainly applies her researches to her visual and performative art

and shares it through her pedagogic and therapeutic approaches

which she defines as Embodied Philosophy.

Louise is a certified Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner.

She embodies Chi Kung, Tuina, Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Feldenkrais,

Alexander Technique, Fascia Therapy, Authentic Movement and Yoga for more than 20 years.

Addressed to whom…

… wishes to encounter oneself more deeply,

… is in quest for a more holistic vision of the human being,

… wishes to broaden his/her perceptions and responses path,

… wishes to accomplish his/her essential being,

… wishes to resolve psycho-physic and energetic imbalances.

Contribution: between 45€ and 60€ (depending on the process, encounters can vary from 1 to 2 hours)

Sessions can be in French, English, Portuguese and/or Dutch

info & registration:

chardon.lou(@)gmail.com / +351 91 051 81 01 (Telegram & WhatsApp)

A Mandorla / Monte do Carvalhosinho

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May 15 2024


11:00 am - 6:00 pm


Louise Chardon


Louise Chardon
+351 91 051 81 01

After a long and intense professional career as a dancer and performer, Louise Chardon develops further herself into the field of somatics, based on spiritual growth and self-inquiry. For more than 30 years she dedicates her life to the study of the self in motion. Specialized in the profound sensitive abilities of the being and how its subconscious manifests through embodied patterns, she mainly applies her researches to her visual and performative art and shares it through her pedagogic and therapeutic approaches which she defines as Embodied Philosophy and Energetic Physiology. Louise is a certified Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner. She embodies Chi Kung, Tuina, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, Authentic Movement and Yoga for more than 20 years.